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Tourism Translations
One of my favourite fields of expertise includes Leisure and Tourism Romanian Translation Services. I enjoy the cultural aspects with a touch of promotional content. To some extent these are some of the challenges in this particular issues: the cultural, historical and idiomatic issues. The fact that I have first-hand knowledge of the industry having worked as a Hotel Reservation Manager in Oxford combined with my skills as a professional Romanian Translator and Romanian Conference Interpreter enable me to approach the translation with skill and expertise for a positive reaction from your audience.
During my eight years’ experience as a Romanian Translator I have provided Romanian Translation Services in the form of website content about leisure activities, holidays descriptions, sports, public holidays and tourist attractions.
My aim is to make sure that the final result is both refreshingly creative and also culturally informative. Thus, I will use my marketing flair to localize your source text in order to create a final text that ‘sells’ the touristic attraction or destination to your target audience.
Legal Translations
I have been providing Romanian Translation Services of legal documents from British English into Romanian since 2009 and I have extensive experience with providing Romanian Translation Services of contracts, court orders, litigation proceedings, purchase agreements, settlements, tenancy agreements, power of attorney, eviction notice, cease & desist, promissory notes, employment contracts, child consent forms, interim care orders. I am also an experienced Romanian Interpreter and professional Romanian Conference Interpreter in the legal field.
I have learnt during my Master Degree in Translation Studies that accuracy is essential when providing Romanian Translation Services in the legal arena, and that as a professional Romanian Translator and Romanian Interpreter I must deal effectively with terminological lacunae or lexical gaps. Because of the many difference between the UK legal system and the Romanian legal systems leads to frequent Romanian translation problems such the lack of direct equivalence of certain terms (e.g. police caution). Moreover the linguistic structure (word order, tenses) in English which is a Germanic language will differ in Romanian which is a Romance language.
As a professional Romanian Translator and Romanian Interpreter I am guided by certain standards of linguistic, social and cultural equivalence between English (the source language) and Romanian (the target language) in order to maintain the functionality of the text in Romanian above the specific meaning of certain words in English. During my years of experience as a Romanian Translator, Romanian Interpreter / Romanian Conference Interpreter I have noticed that there is some level of confusion when I am asked to provide verbatim Romanian translation services which are seen as a standard of quality. The general misconception is that accurate Romanian Translation Services are achieved by substituting the source language with the ‘right’ words in the target language. However, a word for word translation would sound complete nonsense and in fact what they are expecting is a faithful and fluent translation in the other language.
Medical Translations
The type of texts I usually provide Romanian Translation Services for are: study protocols, clinical reports, package inserts, biomedical articles, monographs, commercial brochures, and patient education material. I approach these texts differently depending on their function and purpose. For example, in patient education material in terms of parallel forms I would always choose the descriptive term rather than the technical term as I must bear in mind that the target audience consists of patients and not medical specialists. I have also undertaken numerous medical assignments during my career as Romanian Interpreter, and this further developed my knowledge of the field.
Translating medical terminology can be difficult for several reasons. First of all, the medical jargon is a language in itself. Secondly, it is expanding continuously due to new terminology based on Latin/ Greek or not. Thirdly, synonymous terms are used simultaneously in a language with minor shades of meaning and the Romanian medical translator must identify them correctly. Fourthly, there is a lack of standardisation in most languages and this particularly the case with Romanian.
Due to the linguistic differences between English and Romanian passive voice may also constitute a problem when translating medical texts. While in the life sciences field English opts for the passive voice to give the impression of objectivity, typically in a Romanian medical article the reflexive construction would be used (e.g. se observă, se înregistrează, etc).
Another important factor when providing Romanian Translation Services of medical texts would be a thorough understanding of the source text which more often than not entails background research on the topic. It is essential for the Romanian Translator, Romanian Interpreter or Romanian Conference Interpreter to ensure that he/she is using the correct terminology and it is vital to use reliable sources such as IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe) which is a database regrouping all synonyms and variants used by the different institutions of the EU (http://iate.europa.eu/iatediff/SearchByQueryEdit.do.)
Business Translations
With the shifting of the global business landscape the need for translation business content has continued to grow. A considerable part of economy comes more and more from emerging markets which now account for almost 60 percent of global GDP.
Romania is an emerging market with a strong macroeconomic situation in terms of real GDP growth, fiscal deficit and public debt. Romania’s business landscape is very diverse starting from high tech manufacturing and software development to bio-industry. It is estimated that the IT&C sector in Romania will be worth EUR 4 billion by 2020.
Of course, in order for a multinational company to operate across borders the language barrier must be removed and this is why you need a reliable translation service. Without stating the obvious a low-quality translation can give a bad impression of your business.
As a professional Romanian Translator and Romanian Conference Interpreter, native in Romanian and fluent in English I can provide a high-quality translation of your content for a fee. Unlike machine translators, I will deal with colloquial phrases appropriately, localizing the text to make the content flow more naturally.
For the last 8 years I have been translating almost any business document including: Articles, Brochures, Business Plans, Business Proposals, Business Reports, Guides, Instructions, Market Plans, Manuals, Presentations, Reference Documents, Release Notes, Technical Papers, Training Materials, Tutorials. I have also undertaken numerous projects as a Romanian Conference Interpreter which further developed my knowledge of the business field.
I can help you achieve success in your target market and I always go the extra mile to tailor the text to your needs so please contact me for a free quote, whether you need an experienced Romanian Translator or a professional Romanian Conference Interpreter.
Romanian Translation Services
Having worked both as an in-house Romanian translator and as freelance, my appreciation of the nature of translations is both broad and deep. This means that when I translate I look beyond the words analysing what is the purpose of the message, who is your target audience and all relevant aspects of linguistic equivalence.
In fact, the golden rule in translation studies is that we translate meaning not words. As a professional Romanian translator and Romanian Interpreter I will be able to efficiently transfer meaning from one language and culture to another.
Also, I specialise in the same way that other professionals do because each industry has its own standard terminology such as legal or medical.
Thus, having acquired this specialist knowledge over the years I will know at a glance if your project falls into my area of expertise or not and once I have agreed to a deadline you can rest assured that your Romanian translation service will be delivered on time.
I never sub-contract any of my work however I might work with a proof-reader especially if your translation is to be published or if it is particularly technical but you will be advised accordingly in advance.
Certified Translations
In order to have your Romanian translation certified, I need to issue a signed statement attesting that the translation is a true and accurate copy of the original document, completed to the best of my knowledge and ability and also stating my qualifications, affiliations and contact details. This can also be signed in front of a solicitor or Public Notary (affidavit) however they will charge an additional fee for the service.
In a nutshell editing and proofreading are a safety net. It is highly recommended to use an independent proofreader if a text is to be published or used for any official purposes and this is an additional language service I can provide for you.
To be more precise, Editing involves checking to make sure that correct terminology was used. It presupposes researching (online and / or using specialised dictionaries) each term raising a doubt, or even terms that might be unknown to the editor.
Generally, when I edit a document, I use the track changes feature in Word and I add comments recommending changes or querying some terms. So, my recommendations as an editor are usually sent back to the Romanian translator first so that he/she can correct the errors and only then is the text proofread, if necessary of course.
In general, when there are errors, it is up to the original Romanian translator / Romanian Interpreter to correct his /her own mistakes or indeed to question any recommendations if it is the case.
As a guideline, editing is charged at around 50% of the price that I would normally charge for translating the respective text.
It is usually the last step in the translation process and it consists of the text being checked for grammar, syntax and spelling errors and it does not include any major re-writing.
Nevertheless if something is obviously wrong or poorly translated due to my proactive attitude I am not afraid to go beyond the call of duty, if necessary.
Typically, proofreading is charged at around 25% of the price that would be charged for the Romanian translation services of the same text.
If it all sounds too technical, rest assured I will discuss your specific translation expectations and needs for the project and you will receive a customised and transparent quote.
Localization, also called transcreation, is a process of adapting a message from one language to another, while maintaining its intent, style, tone and context. Thus when I undertake a transcreation project from English into Romanian, I will make sure that the message evokes the same emotions and carries the same implications in Romanian as it does in English.
For one of my recent projects I suggested changing the names of the protagonists of a role-play so that they would resonate better with the Romanian target audience. Needless to say that my suggestions were welcomed by the client.
Similarly, when I translated the content of a betting website from English into Romanian there were quite a few considerations that were not included in the translation process: converting currency and discussing with the content team what would mean a suitable amount for a cash-back promotion in Romania, suggesting names of Romanian well-known players of poker who would endorse their campaigns, researching if there were any organisations in Romania addressing the issue of betting addiction. This adaptation is essential because a simple Romanian translation in this particular case would have meant that a potential Romanian player who was at risk of addiction would have been supplied with UK freephone numbers (which would not have been free at all for the Romanian customer) only to be faced with support in a foreign language.
Audio Transcription
In addition to providing Romanian Translation Services I have been transcribing in Romanian recordings of meetings, conferences, seminars, interviews, investigations, surveys, roundtable discussions, brainstorming sessions, press conferences, workshops services since 2010.
The first step is to send me your audio file (I accept most digital audio formats: mp3, wma, .wav) and after having checked the quality of the sound I will provide you with a quote per minute (based on the source file) or per target word (based on the transcription – the final product).
Depending on your specific requirements I can provide you with a transcription in the same language (for example the audio file is in Romanian and the transcription will be in the same language – very common for trial procedures) or a transcription into another Language (from Romanian into English or vice-versa).
Diploma in Translation (DipTrans)
The IoLET Level 7 Diploma in Translation (QCF) is a postgraduate level equivalent qualification intended to test the ability of the linguists who wish to progress into careers as freelance translators and to work to a professional standard.
Having worked as a professional Romanian Translator and Romanian Interpreter since 2008 and due to my extensive teaching experience I have been able to train candidates to pass the DipTrans exam since 2011.
Using past papers, I will be able to show you how to deal with translations problems effectively and to reflect on the differences between the two languages – English and Romanian – in order to help you deliver translations to a professional standard. You will not be asked to study any translation theory as such but I will provide you with a bibliography in this respect should you wish to enhance your knowledge.
I will also incorporate in my training some of the translations theories and strategies I learnt during my Masters in Translation Studies although the sessions and the feedback are very much practice-oriented. The DipTrans exam is held in January every year. To find more click here:
My Portfolio

My Ethics
As a member of IAPTI (The International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters), I abide by their Code of Ethics. Thus, as a professional Romanian Interpreter and Romanian Translator, I shall:
- I shall always maintain confidentiality with regard to any information or materials (working practices, lists of clients, commercial secrets and manufacturing or technological processes) received from my clients.
- This means that I will not disclose any part of them without permission from the client and that I shall not use them to my benefit or to the detriment of the customers or of third parties, except in cases in which disclosure of such information becomes unavoidable by reason of force majeure.
- Always carry out translating and interpreting projects responsibly and diligently
- Only accept projects for which I am able to guarantee a good standard of quality
- Not take part in any practices that are detrimental to the interests of my profession
- Keep up-to-date with the latest technologies in my profession by undertaking continuous professional development.
- I do not take part in any activities that could be detrimental to my profession.
- I always do my best to offer services of the highest possible standards.
- I do not encourage or support unfair competition by offering or accepting fees below those considered fair in the market where I practice my profession.

Useful Resources
I can do the translation myself, can you just check it for me?
I can do this for a fee however I reserve the right to take on the job only after I had the opportunity to evaluate the translation in order to establish the level of proofreading and editing required. If the quality is particularly poor (which can be expected if it was not done by a professional translator) I may have to apply a higher fee according to the amount of time I need to spend on reviewing the translation. I usually use track changes function in word so it will be a straightforward and transparent process.
How long does it take to complete a translation?
This varies according to the difficulty of texts and my availability of course. In general, my daily output is between 2-3,000 words per day. If your translation is urgent, however, we will do my best to meet the deadline (especially if it is a short document) without compromising on quality however it may be that I will have to recommend a trusted colleague to assist you if I already have other commitments.
I need certified Romanian Translation Services of my documents. What is this and how can I get it?
If the documents you need translated are to be submitted in Court or as part of an official application process (diplomas, university transcripts, or birth and marriage certificates) usually a certification will be required as well. I can organize this for you and as a professional Romanian Translator and Romanian Interpreter I can take the oath in the presence of a public notary or a solicitor (there will be an additional fee for their services). As part of this certification, I will provide a short description of my qualifications and background.
How do you price?
Usually the quote is established based on the word count of the source text. If the document is in Microsoft® Word®, I use the “Word Count” function in the Tools menu. Otherwise, if the document is in another format (print, HTML, PHP, ASP, etc.), please send me the file by e-mail. I can count the words for you (numbers are included as they need to be typed as well) and send you a quick quote. Also, if the formatting is particularly difficult or complex there may be an additional charge for that as the target text should maintain the format and layout of the original (this does not include typesetting or DTP). Of course, my Romanian Translation Services are more than about the words (or their number) we translate and for smaller texts I may quote a minimum charge. This because I need to carry out a number of tasks on every translation: context checking, reference checking, spell-checks and final proofreading.
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